Do You CARE? Pt. 2

Do You CARE?
Hell yes, you do!
The proof?:
Jingles, Teena, Petite, Sparky, Baby Black, Priscilla and possibly Downey, have found homes, isn't it amazing!!

Thanks to Cats Castle and OMHS for helping us spread the word, and a great big THANKS to everyone who has helped to get the word out!
It's been going great, but, of course, there are still cats left, and every one of them deserves an amazing and loving home, who will step up next?!!


We've made a video of 4 of the CARE cats, and one of them is going to come home with us!
Help us decide!
Who should we take, and why?

A) Baby Black - Affectionate, Purr Machine, Sweet Heart
B) Priscilla - Shy, Loving, Beautiful
C) Downey  - Affectionate, Intelligent, Nice
D) Cherie - Shy, Affectionate, Beautiful

Please view the following video, and help us help them!

To See More Videos, click:

Baby Black:

This year, Spencer will be walking in the Oakville Mutt Strutt, and he needs your support.
Help us raise our goal of $300 (Note: we've hit $290, but we'd love to eclipse that total!)
All money raised goes right back into the shelter, please help us!
Click here to donate: 

Below is the updated list of available cats, please read, pass on and help support Cindy, Maura and all the CARE cats!
All help is greatly appreciated.
Contact Maura at: Thanks for all the support!
Mike, Beth, Morgan, Tito, Grace, Sara, Simon, Spencer and ??? (Who's next?)

TCE August 15, 2012


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