Do you CARE? CARE needs you!

Sometimes life just plain sucks.
When bad things happen to good people, it really makes us evaluate our own lives, and the way we live it.
Is there a point to doing things for the greater good, when no good deed goes unpunished?
Right now, our good friend Cindy, of CARE, is fighting a battle with the Big C, and the illness is in it to win.
Cindy has spent her life bettering the lives of more animals then one single person could ever be expected to. 
But, unfortunately, due to the progression of the sickness, Cindy is moving out of her home, and into the CARE of her sister, Maura, and her amazing and understanding family.
But they are a normal family, just like ours and yours, and can only open their home to a limited amount of the cats still in Cindy's CARE.
Cindy is amazing, and continues to inspire us with positive spirit, and with her determination to better the lives of the 20 or so cats still in her CARE, and to find them new homes, either through adoption or through her "Foster For Life" program.
If you "Foster For Life" one of the remaining cats, CARE will provide the food, medicine and pay the vet bills, for the duration of the life of any cat you bring into your home.
In other words, if you are the right family, and have the right home, you could get a cat, and never have to pay a cent.
Sound too good to be true?
Normally it would be, but not in this case. That is how important it is to Cindy that these final cats find loving, and perfect homes.
This doesn't mean they will lower their standards just to get the cats out, they remain the highest standards possible, but because most of the remaining cats are on special diets, or need special care, it matters more to get them into caring homes, then to have them euthanized.
This, we fully support.
That is why, this past weekend, we visited with Cindy, and the remaining cats, to evaluate them, and to see for ourselves, their personalities, and behavior, in an attempt to help find these precious souls new homes.
Below you will find the pictures and write-ups of most of the remaining cats, so you can see if there is a cat for you or your family.
Some are, of course, more adoptable then others, with Sparky, Jingles, Baby Black and Teena, being  the most adoptable, but every cat is sweet, and needs your help finding a home.
If you have any questions, or want more information, please contact us.
Please pass this list on to anyone and everyone you know, because they need your help, and because we know how much you CARE.

Thanks for your consideration.
With Love,
Mike, Beth, Morgan, Tito, Grace, Sara, Simon and Spencer.


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