Charlie Fund Quilt Auction, Adopt-a-thon, and soleRebels!!
Happy August!
Good news:
We have volunteered to help with The Charlie Fund Quilt Auction, which will be held on Oct.22, 2011.
The Charlie Fund was created to help injured animals get better sooner, and we are so happy be be a part of it this year.
The past two years we've purchased awesome quilts, and I am confident we will be leaving with another this year. That's just the way it goes, because it is such an amazing cause, and you always know where the money is going. It's a completely transparent cause, and the funds are controlled by people that truly love animals.
Speaking of which, here is a video of Anne Smith (Chair of the Charlie Fund), giving a much better explanation.
Note: the video is a year old.
There is still one weekend left for the OMHS cat adopt-a-thon.
This week it will be held at Oliver Pets, at Dorval Crossing.
If your life needs some joy, go down, and bring some love into your life.
Did you read this story? (It's about the horse meat industry that most of us don't even know goes on.)
Click here
As repulsed as I was reading about it, I was left with the same feeling I had watching The Cove, which is, I think all animals, not just domesticated animals, should be left the hell alone. Live and let live.
Sept 8-10 is the Veggie Food Festival this year.
Click here to learn all about it!
If you haven't been yet, let this be your year. It's always a real eye opener for newcomers. It'll show you just how easy it is to live compassionately, and eat like a pig at the same time. And really, isn't that all we really want?
And finally!
This year at the Green Living Show, there was a booth selling men's shoes. Please note that this was the one and only booth to do so, and that they weren't actually selling shoes, just spreading the word. We signed up for the mailing list, because they looked so awesome, and because B said she would get me a pair for my B-day. When the email came, it came with a code to buy one pair, and get one for half off. Nice. So that's exactly what we did.
It's not very often that you can look cool AND be cool at the same time, but with soleRebels, you can do just that.
SoleRebels are only shoe that is WTO certified, and are hand crafted in Ethiopia, with each pair being crafted specifically for you.
And, they are very affordable.
They turned out to be everything that I had wished for: extreme comfort, practicality, coolness, and they were exactly as advertised.
Thanks B!
Click here to get yourself a pair, or two!
Animals saved today: 4
Animals saved to date: 1971
Note: we realize these numbers are not a true representation, but in our minds, this helps to visualize the damage we are causing when we eat animal by-products.
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