The Compassion Experiment Day 182
From S at Ruby Ranch:
"Fois gras, lamb and veal are horrible, but you know what "food" offends me the most? Bacon! I'm not exactly sure why, I mean, obviously I love pigs and all pork products are offensive, (as are all meat products) but bacon is way out there. I can't even look at those stupid Wendy's commercials that tout bacon as the greatest superfood ever. I can't look at it, and the smell of it makes me want to resort to violence. I think it might be because there are so many rabid bacon fans. (I wish pigs carried rabies and people could get it from eating bacon)(joke-sort of) When I read about the big fad last year at the ex being chocolate covered bacon, I wanted to go down there, and anyone I spotted eating this abomination, I wanted to take their stick away, throw it on the ground and stomp on it. I don't know why bacon does this to me. I wonder if anyone else feels this way? Need to start an anti-bacon movement!"
We feel the same way, for sure!! We are definitely a part of the anti-bacon movement, S!
Been a busy couple of weeks, so...where to begin?
Thanksgiving was great this year, though our Tofurky was a complete disaster. This has less to do with the Tofurky itself, and more to do with us preparing it incorrectly. We know that people just rave about Tofurkey, but we found that in the end, we were content with mashed potatoes, pear and squash soup, Stovetop Stuffing, corn pie, and pumpkin pie, and next time we will skip the Tofurky altogether. Again, this is not a knock at Tofurky, we just find that if you have enough of the other stuff, we don't think you need it. The good news is, we didn't eat a turkey, and feel damn good about that!
For one of our meals this week, we copied one of the meals that Liz made during our relaxing stay at Sugar Ridge, which was pasta, with basil pesto and Tofurky Italian-Style Tofu Sausage (with Sun Dried Tomatoes). The meal turned out awesome, so please, everyone, next time you want to add sausage to your pasta, try Tofurky Sausage instead. You will find that the consistency and taste of their sausage trumps that of any you will get at a grocery store, AND, you will save some piggies, which is the important thing here. In this case, taste and compassion trumps evil.
Finally made it out to Kindfood in Burlington. We'd been dying to get out to Burlington to try it out, but the hours there are a little wacky, so it's been hard to make the time for it. Kindfood is an environmentally sound cafe, that specializes in animal-free food. It is the epitome of Compassion, and we loved it! We had the B.L.A.T, which is: meat-free Bacon, Lettuce, Avocado, carrots, Tomato, and Veganaise, and can't wait to have another!!
If you can find the time for it, you have to try out Kindfood, it's an amazing place, that we support 110%!
This video was created by Lisa Winn. Lisa is an Animal Care Attendant (like me), who makes videos of the cats at the OMHS to help them get more exposure on the www. I make a cameo in this video. Well, my unshaved neck makes a cameo!
It's a great video, please pass it on!
B's new commercial, for Oatmeal at TH, will be up soon! The product is already available, hence why we are able to write about it, legally. Just tried it today for the first time, (the maple oatmeal), and it was delightful. It's going to be huge during the winter months, because it is hot, and delicious, much like B herself.
Keep your eye our for the commercial, it's great and will begin soon, November I think. It's totally Awesomer, if you get my drift. Awesomer than Awesomer.
For all those who continue to tune into The Compassion Experiment, we thank you.
And of course, all the animals thank you most!
TCE October 19, 2010.
Today's Parallel's 'Of Wisdom':
"Can a man who wears 'skinny jeans', be considered a man at all?' - Me.
Just kidding! Here is the real one: "Let Thy food be thy medicine...and thy medicine be thy food." - Hippocrates (taken from the Kindfood brochure).
Animals saved today: 4
Animals saved to date: 720
Note: we realize these numbers are not a true representation, but in our minds, this helps to visualize the damage we are causing when we eat animal by-products.
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Totally Unrelated Content:
This is the section where I rant about the Toronto Raptors, so if you don't like basketball, just skip to the next entry.
Of course, one might ask: "why do you include this in the TCE blog?"
The answer is, I've sworn I was going to do this for two years straight, and now that we have a great blog, it is just easier to throw it in at the end, for anyone who might care to read my rantings about Toronto's most unfortunate franchise.
Well, the preseason is almost over, and there have been some extreme highs, and lows, as would be expected.
Highlights include Linas Kleiza's stellar and solid play, and Leandro Barbosa putting in more effort and scoring in six games, then Turkeyloo did in one full year for the Raptors. Great pick ups for BC and TR for sure!
Lowlights? Getting their asses kicked by Boston. What is the deal with them and the Celtics? Is it intimidation or what? They always, always, always, lose to those trash-talking mofo's!
Anyone keeping their eye on the superfriends in Miami has to be happy with the amount of injuries and losses that have occurred thusfar, and I'd expect this is a sign of things to come for sure. How long until Robo-Bosh goes down with a knee injury?
Looking forward to a season of more hussle, defense, and a more exciting team. Will they make the playoffs? Will they do better than last year? Only time will tell. But, I will say this, the future of the team looks better than ever, and with a little luck, and a good trade or two, this team can be really good moving forward, which is a nice change.
Oct. 19, 2010.
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