The Compassion Experiment Day 178

This year while at the Vegetarian Food Festival, we saw a pamphlet for a Pig Sanctuary, called Ruby Ranch.
We grabbed it, of course, and vowed that we would have to check the place out.
Of course with both of us working full-time now, and volunteering, it was hard to find time for it, but this past Tuesday, we were finally able to make it down.
And it was unbelievable!
We pull up to the house, and the front door opens.
Out comes two dogs, and a giant pot belly pig who waddles his way down the front stairs.
In the front yard there is a pen with three super cute pot belly pigs, who greeted us and were quite friendly.
Seeing pigs on TV is one thing, to have a chance to get up and personal with them, is a whole other thing.
These are cute, intelligent creatures, who love people, and to cuddle, and in some cases, even like to sleep in the bed.
Ruby Ranch is run by an amazingly compassionate couple, Sherry and Bob, who started with one pig, Ruby, and now they have 19 pigs, two dogs, and three cats, including a stray named Felix, who recently has made himself completely comfortable in the barn, with the 800 pound pigs.
Like all animal lovers, they keep saying: 'No more, we can't afford to take anymore', but when they get a call saying if they don't rescue a pig, it's going to be shot, they make room.
Usually the pigs that end up on your table, never make it to 800 pounds, but at Ruby Ranch, they get the chance to grow to full size, and they are huge. Like a horse! And man are they strong. Unbelievably strong, but very affectionate, and so much fun to be with.
We're not sure how anyone could eat a pig, after spending time with them. These are gentle, fun loving creatures, with big hearts, and they are unbelievably intelligent.
We encourage everyone to look up Ruby Ranch, and to take their families there, to experience first hand, these amazing creatures. We can never look at pork products the same way again, and we wish everyone else could have this experience too.
Thanks to Sherry and Bob for the hospitality, we didn't want to leave, and hope we didn't overstay our welcome!
Today's Parallel's 'Of Wisdom':
"One needs to be slow to form convictions, but once formed they must be defended against the heaviest odds." - Mahatma Gandhi
Animals saved today: 5
Animals saved to date: 700
Note: we realize these numbers are not a true representation, but in our minds, this helps to visualize the damage we are causing when we eat animal by-products.
Thanks Mike, for your wonderful blog, and great review of our little sanctuary. We really enjoyed meeting you both, and hope you will be back again! I love the pic of you and Doc, it looks like he's having a little taste. :-)They really are wonderful creatures that have enriched our lives greatly. We love to share them with people, so they can see how great they really are. Thank you for all you do for animals, and especially all the ones you are saving by not eating them! Bacon sux! :-)))( I think I'm going to use that as my email signature. Haha.