Issue #41!!
Photo by: B. Villemaire
The Compassion Experiment: Words Put !nto Action.
Well folks, here it is, Issue #41, and by issue, I'm not talking issues like @#$x, or even the nastiest oil spill on record, or hell, not even the issue of the G20 and our loss of rights of freedom (though we'll get to that later!). More important than all that, this is the 41st issue of The Compassion Experiment!
Note: We will be on vacation for the next 10 days, so this will be the last blog for a while. It'll be great to disconnect from the Matrix, and be real, interacting humans for a change.
As this will be the case, we are trying to unload a truckload of info into this last issue, to keep you coming back for more!
The Good News:
The Compassion Experiment is now funded in part by the Oakville and Milton Humane Society. Two Monday's from now I start my first shift as a paid employee of the OMHS, but, more importantly, I will continue all my volunteering there as well, as the animals still reign as my reason for being there.
Another great Compassionate recipe, courtesy of PP.
"Hi Guys!
I try to read your blog frequently, I noticed today you had a section on compassionate summer treats. I borrowed an ice cream maker from a friend recently to try my hand at dairy free ice cream. I made the following recipe and it tastes fabulous:
Strawberry Coconut Ice Cream:
1 can coconut milk
1 "can" soymilk (the original recipe called for two cans of coconut milk, I only had one can so I just dumped in the coconut milk and filled the can with soy milk)
2.5 cups frozen strawberries (which we picked locally ;) )
1/2 cup sweetener (honey, sugar, agave)
1 tblsp vanilla
Blend everything in blender, put in ice cream maker for 30 minutes and freeze overnight. Yummy!"
Thanks PP, sounds amazing, we can't wait to try it out!
Yes, this is a repeat list, but important enough to keep repeating repeating:
10 Reasons To Live A Compassionate Lifestyle:
1. Dairy products have been linked to heart disease, cancer (especially breast cancer), allergies, sinus trouble and migraines.
2. 80-90% of all cancer, cardiovascular disease and other degenerative illnesses can be prevented by converting to a plant based diet.
3. A vegetarian diet can prevent 97% of coronary obstructions.
4. A compassionate lifestyle can reduce your risk of food poisoning.
5. More than 90% of the toxic residues found in food come from animal by-products.
6. Dairy foods create excess mucous in the body, which can host cold and virus germs in the respiratory tract.
7. Meat contains bovine growth hormones, and has caused early sexual maturity in children. (note: 100 years ago, girls reached puberty at 17, now it starts as early as 8 years old!)
8. Compassionate eaters tend to be slimmer than carnivores.
9. A plant-based diet can increase your life expectancy by 7-15 years.
10. Because it's the right thing to do, homey!
We are still working hard in support of our Community Garden. See the picture on the right, that was our latest score. I'm talking carrots, turnips, beans, parsley, and broccoli. How much did this cost? Nothing, just a little sweat, and a lot of cooperation. We encourage every single one of you, to do the same, and join a community garden today.
In Other News:
Posted on the Harbourside Organic Market blog again, please click this link, to check it out.
And please come out and support the market, there are so many amazing things there! The best booth? Van Rae's Woodcrafts, Baking, and Condiments. The shortbread, the biscotti, the relish's, all of it, AMAZING! And the prices, you wouldn't even believe it. So cheap, for all organic, extremely tasty stuff, you have to check it our for yourself!
Took this video at the Harbourside Organic Market, please check it out, Ian Reid is great!
That's it for now!
Please think about the animals, before you buy or bbq that beef or chicken burger.
See you in a week!
Today's Parallel's 'Of Wisdom':
"We are by-products of a lifestyle obsession. Murder, crime, poverty, these things don't concern me. What concerns me are celebrity magazines, television with 500 channels, some guy's name on my underwear." - T.D.F.C
Animals saved today: 4
Animals saved to date: 252
Note: we realize these numbers are not a true representation, but in our minds, this helps to visualize the damage we are causing when we eat animal by-products.
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The Compassion Experiment: Words Put !nto Action.
Well folks, here it is, Issue #41, and by issue, I'm not talking issues like @#$x, or even the nastiest oil spill on record, or hell, not even the issue of the G20 and our loss of rights of freedom (though we'll get to that later!). More important than all that, this is the 41st issue of The Compassion Experiment!
Note: We will be on vacation for the next 10 days, so this will be the last blog for a while. It'll be great to disconnect from the Matrix, and be real, interacting humans for a change.
As this will be the case, we are trying to unload a truckload of info into this last issue, to keep you coming back for more!
The Good News:
The Compassion Experiment is now funded in part by the Oakville and Milton Humane Society. Two Monday's from now I start my first shift as a paid employee of the OMHS, but, more importantly, I will continue all my volunteering there as well, as the animals still reign as my reason for being there.
Another great Compassionate recipe, courtesy of PP.
"Hi Guys!
I try to read your blog frequently, I noticed today you had a section on compassionate summer treats. I borrowed an ice cream maker from a friend recently to try my hand at dairy free ice cream. I made the following recipe and it tastes fabulous:
Strawberry Coconut Ice Cream:
1 can coconut milk
1 "can" soymilk (the original recipe called for two cans of coconut milk, I only had one can so I just dumped in the coconut milk and filled the can with soy milk)
2.5 cups frozen strawberries (which we picked locally ;) )
1/2 cup sweetener (honey, sugar, agave)
1 tblsp vanilla
Blend everything in blender, put in ice cream maker for 30 minutes and freeze overnight. Yummy!"
Thanks PP, sounds amazing, we can't wait to try it out!
Yes, this is a repeat list, but important enough to keep repeating repeating:
10 Reasons To Live A Compassionate Lifestyle:
1. Dairy products have been linked to heart disease, cancer (especially breast cancer), allergies, sinus trouble and migraines.
2. 80-90% of all cancer, cardiovascular disease and other degenerative illnesses can be prevented by converting to a plant based diet.
3. A vegetarian diet can prevent 97% of coronary obstructions.
4. A compassionate lifestyle can reduce your risk of food poisoning.
5. More than 90% of the toxic residues found in food come from animal by-products.
6. Dairy foods create excess mucous in the body, which can host cold and virus germs in the respiratory tract.
7. Meat contains bovine growth hormones, and has caused early sexual maturity in children. (note: 100 years ago, girls reached puberty at 17, now it starts as early as 8 years old!)
8. Compassionate eaters tend to be slimmer than carnivores.
9. A plant-based diet can increase your life expectancy by 7-15 years.
10. Because it's the right thing to do, homey!
We are still working hard in support of our Community Garden. See the picture on the right, that was our latest score. I'm talking carrots, turnips, beans, parsley, and broccoli. How much did this cost? Nothing, just a little sweat, and a lot of cooperation. We encourage every single one of you, to do the same, and join a community garden today.
In Other News:
Posted on the Harbourside Organic Market blog again, please click this link, to check it out.
And please come out and support the market, there are so many amazing things there! The best booth? Van Rae's Woodcrafts, Baking, and Condiments. The shortbread, the biscotti, the relish's, all of it, AMAZING! And the prices, you wouldn't even believe it. So cheap, for all organic, extremely tasty stuff, you have to check it our for yourself!
Took this video at the Harbourside Organic Market, please check it out, Ian Reid is great!
That's it for now!
Please think about the animals, before you buy or bbq that beef or chicken burger.
See you in a week!
Today's Parallel's 'Of Wisdom':
"We are by-products of a lifestyle obsession. Murder, crime, poverty, these things don't concern me. What concerns me are celebrity magazines, television with 500 channels, some guy's name on my underwear." - T.D.F.C
Animals saved today: 4
Animals saved to date: 252
Note: we realize these numbers are not a true representation, but in our minds, this helps to visualize the damage we are causing when we eat animal by-products.
The Compassion Experiment T-Shirts
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Or two, or three or one hundred.
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