The Compassion Experiment (Day 90)

The Compassion Experiment: Words Put !nto Action.

Welcome to our Animals As Entertainment Issue!

Let me start by passing along these two articles about recalled meat. Though we don't eat meat anymore, we still know people that do and think they should be warned about potential dangers in their meat.
Article 1, and Article 2.
I am amazed at the amount of times Listeria has come up already in the 90 days since we started this crazy experiment.

This is the article that gave us the idea for this issue, it is in regards to the deaths at this years Calgary Stampede.
It is quite tragic, but the question is, can it be stopped? People love to use the word 'tradition' as an answer to why things still occur like this. Why does bullfighting still exist? It's a tradition. Why to people still visit zoo's? It's a tradition. Why are there rodeos, calf-roping, and steeplechase? Tradition, tradition, tradition!
@#$% tradition, it's the oldest excuse, and it has grown quite tiring.
Bullfighting is by far the most heinous of all these traditions, I'm talking raising a bull from birth, just to fight once in 'glory', only to be killed immediately after. What a complete waste of life! We have never been a supporter of this so-called sport, nor will we ever be.
But the traditionalists are still having their way.
For us, just because it is happening 1000's of miles away, doesn't mean it effects us any less. It is a tragic situation, much like the meat industry, and it is very upsetting.
Are zoo's any better?
No, they are not. Animals weren't meant to be put in zoo's, and in this day in age, do we really need it? If you want to see an elephant or an alligator, you can find videos, pictures, or movies, on the internet. It's not like you are going to get to play with them, or interact with them at the zoo. And by giving the zoo your support, you are just prolonging all the animals suffering.
Events like rodeos, and calf-roping, they are just completely inhumane, but tell me this, how many vegetarian cowboys are there? Not too many we'd assume, and why would that be? It's tradition.

So what is the alternative? We want kids to learn about animals, but in way that is respectful. Forget African Lion Safari, this is the best place we can think of The Donkey Sanctuary.
Any place that rescues animals, and puts them to pasture as they do at The Donkey Sanctuary, are beautiful places.
The Mountsberg Wildlife Centre would be a disturbing place, except all the birds of prey they have in cages, have been injured, and wouldn't be able to survive in the wild. In this case, they are doing the animals a favor, and the kids still get a chance to interact with the animals, but not at a cost to the animals health and welfare.
These are but two recommendations, the other one would be of course, the Humane Society, it's great for the kids, and great for the animals to have as much interaction with humans as possible.
And while you are there, might as well adopt one, or two, or three.

If you do have kids, we encourage you to please check out The Donkey Sanctuary, and Mountsberg Wildlife Centre, we believe it is important to support the good guys.

Thank you.

Today's Parallel's 'Of Wisdom':
“You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Animals saved today: 5
Animals saved to date: 334

Note: we realize these numbers are not a true representation, but in our minds, this helps to visualize the damage we are causing when we eat animal by-products.

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