The Compassion Experiment (Day 83)

The Compassion Experiment: Words Put !nto Action

We were watching a documentary, there was a polar bear.
We watched, as days passed into months, he swam and swam.
He was exhausted.
He couldn't find land, or food.
Once he made it to land, he was so tired and hungry.
He was too exhausted, to kill for supper.
He died, starving.

All I could think was:
"Give the bear some @#$%ing food, man!"
What the hell.
I don't want to watch some bear suffer, just to see how it will die.
It's cruel, feed it some @#$%ing food.
Am I alone here?

If you can stop a death from happening, shouldn't you stop it?
Would the world end, if you gave that bear a steak?

Jane Goodall, now see she did it right.
It wasn't exploitive, she fought tooth and nail for animals she loved.
I love gorilla's in the mist.
Who doesn't?

We should all be so noble.
It's her total commitment, and absolute conviction that make her so invincible.
She's still kickin' it real.
I did not know this.

We rented the documentary calledTaking Root It was unbelievable.

Wangari Maathai, wow, what can I say, you blow my mind.
That's true Compassion, at it's best!
I take my hat off to you, my lady.

Life at the OMHS is awesome, I encourage everyone to spend time there.
It's a happy place.

Want great Compassionate recipes?
Cut out the middleman, here.

People love to talk to us about eating compassionately, it's amazing.
Everyone is very encouraging.
I just tell them the truth.
As I see it.

Thanks to everyone for all the great ideas, links and websites.
This thing is turning into a little community, it's great.

Today's Parallel's 'Of Wisdom':
"Humans are the housefly of the universe." Mic P

Animals saved today: 3
Animals saved to date: 304

Note: we realize these numbers are not a true representation, but in our minds, this helps to visualize the damage we are causing when we eat animal by-products.

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