The Compassion Experiment (Day 81)
The Compassionate Experiment: Words Put !nto Action
Welcome to our 'Heroes' issue!
This issue of The Compassionate Experiment is dedicated to individuals who are using their celebrity status to help promote compassionate and green living.
The further we have delved into our little Experiment, the more we realize that we are not alone, that there are tons of people who think like we do. People trying to make a difference in the world, leading by example.
In the case of celebrity, these people have a huge audience they can reach, and the ones we promote today work hard, every day, to make this a better, and more Compassionate place for all of us to live.
Just like all of us, I hope.
Alicia Silverstone - Alicia Silverstone made Aerosmith cool again, that's what I think of when I hear her name. That was, until we purchased her book, The Kind Diet, which is a very open, and embracing book about eating kindly. She has an awesome website, check it:
Russell Simmons - We got the audio book of Do You! from the library. What would hip-hop be without Russell Simmon's. He is an icon, and little did we know, a compassionate eater too. His book Do You! is intelligent, informed, and inspiring, so it comes highly recommended.
Jack Johnson - We are seeing Jack Johnson at the Molson Amphithreatre on Monday, looking forward to it like crazy. 100% of the profits from his tour go to charity. 100% man, that's crazy! We are proud to support him and his efforts. His music is great too!
It appears I have recently gotten on my high horse, and started pointing fingers at parents, who work so hard for their kids.
I apologize for this, and to anyone I offended, I am sorry.
I know nothing about parenting, so it's easy to judge when you don't have children.
I am grateful that this was pointed out to me, because I don't want to be thought of as a douche.
It was a timely slap in the face, and I have taken it to heart.
Here is the note:
Well, as I mentioned previously I have been following your blog as has J. I have watched as you started with an attitude of positivity and an attempt at not inflicting judgment. Your recent posts are starting to be laden with judgment specifically towards parents. As a parent myself as well as a previous vegetarian with a vegan perspective I feel a need to educate YOU on parenthood, lifestyle choices and perhaps requesting that you consider changing your tone as to not turn away the parents of the children who you care so much about.
There is compelling debate on the impact of a vegan lifestyle. Here is a link to provide you with fuel for a future blog post:
The Vegetarian Myth by Lierre Keith:
here is a discussion about the book:
I am not asking that you change your perspective, I actually really respect your challenge to yourself to live more compassionately. I just ask that you consider that parent's who choose to feed their children a diverse diet are not all ignorant and stupid. MANY of us have been through journeys that have led us to how we raise our children. For me, I prefer to feed my children a variety of foods, we buy local, we buy our meat from a local farm where the animals are free to roam.
Not that I need to explain myself but just thought you might want to take this into consideration before chastising those of us who are parenting differently than you believe we should. AND further, for your own self BE a parent before you judge one.
Point taken.
Thank you.
A good kick in the ass is needed every once in a while.
Here is a great risotto recipe!
Compassionate Lemon Risotto:
You will need:
4 cups vegetable stock
1/4 cup lemon juice
2 tbsp olive oil
1 1/2 cups Arbrorio Rice
1/2 cup scallions
1/2 cup peas (fresh or frozen)
Salt and Pepper
1. Bring the vegetable stock and lemon juice to a simmer over medium heat. Reduce to low, continue to simmer.
2. In a large frying pan or skillet, heat the oil over medium heat. Add the rice, scallions, and stir until coated with oil. Add 1/2 cup of the hot liquid and simmer uncovered, stirring frequently until the liquid is absorbed.
3. Continue adding 1/2 a cup, and stirring until the liquid is absorbed, until the rice is tender but firm, and the mixture is thick and creamy, about 25 minutes.
4. 10 minutes before the risotto is finished, stir in peas, and seasoning.
5. Let it cool a bit, then devour.
Please keep tuning in, the best is yet to come!
Today's Parallel's 'Of Wisdom':
“The key to change… is to let go of fear.” – Rosanne Cash
Animals saved today: 5
Animals saved to date: 297
Note: we realize these numbers are not a true representation, but in our minds, this helps to visualize the damage we are causing when we eat animal by-products.
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