The Compassion Experiment (Day 67)
The Compassion Experiment: Words Put !nto Action
Well, 67 days in, I weighed myself again, and have lost 11 lbs. since we started this crazy journey.
For the first time in 4 years, I am now under the 200 lbs. mark, and am only 8 lbs. from my ideal weight (due to my short stature).
Not bad, not bad at all.
To be honest, one of the tipping points for us towards becoming compassionate eaters, was the opportunity to lose some extra lbs., which I had in grand supply.
Now that we're 67 days in, this is no longer what drives us, instead we've become a part of change, and The Compassion Experiment has become more than just words, but actions. Actions that in the past 67 days that have spoken loud.
Case in Point:
Dear Mic P,
Thanks again for sending a letter to your MP asking them to address the flaws in Canada's farm animal transport system. Over 3,200 Canadians have sent letters so far and they're already helping. We've met with several MPs and many of them are supportive of this issue. Your letters have played a crucial role in bringing them on board. As we continue to meet with more MPs we need more people to write letters to show that this is an issue that Canadians care about. We need your help to get the word out. Forward this email and post the website ( ) on Facebook or Twitter. Encourage as many people as you can to take action.
67 days ago, would I have sent a letter off?
I'm not sure.
We've always been a huge supporter of domestic animals, and the WWF, PETA, but never gave enough consideration to the animals that we consume, and whom we consume by-products from. Now this has become a bigger issue for us, and are appalled at the things that go on in Canada's meat industry.
It's a nasty business, and one that we are happy to no longer be a supporter of.
I can say, without hesitation, that choosing to become compassionate eaters together, is one of the smartest decisions B and I have ever made, and every day we see the pay off in our lives.
Before we started this experiment, we had no idea how great it would make us feel, both physically, and mentally. We had no idea that we would start effecting change, that we would become a part of change, and that the longer we did it, the less likely we will ever go back to the old ways of thinking and eating.
Once you change the way you think, everything changes.
All we can be, is an example of how life can be so much more, and so much happier, with just a little compassion in your life.
Try it today, we dare you!
Today's Parallel's 'Of Wisdom':
"I am in favor of animal rights as well as human beings. That is the way of a whole human being." Abraham Lincoln.
Animals saved today: 6
Animals saved to date: 220
Note: we realize these numbers are not a true representation, but in our minds, this helps to visualize the damage we are causing when we eat animal by-products.
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