The Compassion Experiment (Day 53)

Last night was the second meeting for the TEDx conference in Oakville, it was my first meeting with them.
Has anyone out there ever heard of TEDx?
On one hand, TEDx seems like a great idea, on the other hand, it feels almost like some sort of cult.
I'm still not sure what to think, if I really want to be a part of it.
What they are looking for is speakers, people trying to make a difference in the community, people trying to change the world exactly the way we at The Compassion Experiment are.
I tried to volunteer as a speaker, or for at least a chance to be a speaker.
Here's how it goes:
TEDx: "Where will we ever find speakers?"
ME: "I want a chance, I'd love to speak about how we are helping change the world."
TEDx: "We need speakers, how should we go about finding some?!"
ME: "I'd love a chance to speak, it would be great"
TEDx: "If only we could find someone who wants to speak?"
TEDx Volunteer: "You had anyone volunteer to be a speaker?"
TEDx: "No."
What does this have to do with The Compassion Experiment, you ask?
I have volunteered to be in charge of hospitality, my idea being to make it a green event that will throw nothing out, and will contain little to no animal by-products. Realistically getting all animal by-products off the menu might be tough, but if I do choose to be in this thing, I will fight to the death anyone who wants meat as part of the menu. If I am a 'volunteer' for TEDx, there will be no meat there.
End of story.
I did have a chance to talk to two people about it, with T and G. T supported it, G said: "You mean, no meat? At all?"
I said: "Yes, of course, people can eat meat any other time, but not while at TEDx".
G said: "I need my meat."
Now, G is a very smart person, very very smart, and successful, like all the people there (with the exception being me), but it scares me that he might actually believe that.
And what really scares me most, is that he has children and might pass this very inaccurate info down the line infinity.
Change the world now, later will be too late.
TEDx Responds:
"Interesting blog Mike. The plan that the newly formed speaker committee discussed last night was to review all would-be speakers as a committee and then present a selection to the broader group of volunteers for voting. This will provide a fair and transparent process for all potential speakers.
Step 1: Potential speaker will complete online form answering some questions and outlining their potential talk
Step 2: All completed forms reviewed by speakers committee to ensure they meet some basis criteria (i.e. not religious, political, or commercial)
Step 3: Speaker committee to meet one-on-one with speakers in each category (arts, healthcare, social, education, etc)
Step 4: Bring forth names of speakers who have made it through this process and allow the group to vote anonymously. We are looking for between 6-8 speakers at this point.
In that vein, we are looking for as many potential speakers as possible who come from a variety backgrounds (i.e. education, business, science, culture, arts, technology, entertainment). The larger the pool of speakers, the better the quality of speaker we will end up with.
Hope that clarifies the process a little.
Best Regards."
If TEDx Oakville wants to be innovative, and ground breaking, I believe being a leader requires taking risks, and working for the greater good.
I stand by my opinion that making TEDx Oakville compassionate, is the right way to go about it.
Curried Basmati Rice Salad of Fruit and Nuts
(Best damned salad ever!)
You will need:
4 cups basmati rice
1/2 cup finely diced onion
6 cups of water
2 tbsp butter.
(Cook above, covered, and then allow to cool.)
Once cool, mix in:
1 cup blueberries
1/2 cup dry cherries
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup chopped pecans
1/2 cup slivered almonds
1 bunch chopped basil.
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 tbsp curry powder (or paste)
1/2 cup white wine vinegar
1/2 tsp cayenne
1 cup vegetable oil.
Mix it up, and YUUUUUUUUUUUUM!
Great article today about the oil spill, check it out!
Thoughts on TEDx, anyone, anyone, Bueller?
Today's Parallel's 'Of Wisdom':
“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching.” – Unknown
Animals saved today: 4
Animals saved to date: 159
Note: we realize these numbers are not a true representation, but in our minds, this helps to visualize the damage we are causing when we eat animal by-products.

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