The Compassion Experiment (Day 47)

The Compassion Experiment: It's not a blog, it's a Blitter. Too short for a blog, too long for a Twitter.

Caught this on the news last night:
Here is the gist:
There are a lot of sick people out there.
People who don't care about animals the way you and I do.
People who like to torture and kill animals, for no reason at all, but for kicks, and because they can't handle their booze.
What kind of person breaks into a petting zoo and kills animals?
Answer: A couple of sick @#$%'s, that's who.
This @#$% drives me nuts.
The story also references a swan beating as well.
The swan was defending her young, and was beat to death.
Again, for no reason.

These kind of things are irritating, aggravating and sad, all at the same time.
But, it is also a reminder, that kids need to be brought up to respect animals.
Nothing can be done now, the animals are dead.
But their legacy can live on in the way people raise their kids to treat animals.
That's the good that can come out of incidents such as these.
Parents can tell their children about these deaths, and explain how they were beautiful animals, who died a cruel death.
And explain why this is wrong.
If more people did that now, there would be less of this kind of thing in the future.
We can always hope.

There will always be bad apples out there, this is a guarantee, and the people who did this, will get caught. But, when parents use the 'I'm allergic to pets' line (most fraudulent crime against kids), they are not giving their kids a chance to learn to respect animals, and to learn to be kind and thoughtful to them.

The OMHS has great programs for children, classes and day camps, and it's a great way for kids to get comfortable around animals, and learn not to fear them, but to respect them.
You can learn more here:

My hat goes out to all the people offering rewards to help find these sick @#$%'s.
We love you people, and are so glad you are out there doing something, not letting it get swept under the rug.
But, you should probably try and find their parents too, because these sicko's didn't just learn this behavior from the internet, they were raised this way.

Today's Parallel's 'Of Wisdom':
“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” – John C. Maxwell

Animals saved today: 4
Animals saved to date: 141

Note: we realize these numbers are not a true representation, but in our minds, this helps to visualize the damage we are causing when we eat animal by-products.


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