We did it!

The animals say THANK YOU!!

Well, it looks like the people were heard!

To be honest, I can't believe it.
As the song goes: "Power to the people."
Who would have thunk it?
Yes, 100 animals were put down, and yes, some more might die, but considering the original number of 350 has been reduced, and some lives have been saved, this is downright amazing.
Some might even say miraculous.
You can't tell me, people don't care about animals.
100 protesters, death threats, a planned funeral march, animals stolen, this stuff is AWESOME!!!
I commend every single person who wrote, who called, and who protested this gross error in judgement.
The article states that it was really a money thing, and that the animals were going to be killed to save $$$!
Imagine that came out after all the animals died?!
Those death threats would become real life.
I can tell you first hand, that it is not easy, or cheap to run these facilities, but the first option should have been to try and get as many out and fostered as possible, not, blanket euthanasia.
But, ridiculous with a happy ending.
I mean, death threats? Awesome. Should have thought of that myself.
Not that I would go through with it, sufficed to say it was a good tactic whomever thought of it.
I have ideas of who it might be actually, there are some very vigilant animal cruelty charities, and I would be willing to bet that they were behind some of this chaos.
And, again, I applaud them.


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