The Compassion Experiment (Day 33)
Photo by Brian Villemaire
Handmodel: Kathy Crowe
Kitten: TBD
One of our good Humane Society friends, Kathy, let us take care of a sweet momma cat, and her two babies this past weekend.
They were so sweet.
And habit forming.
That cute guy on top, he's one of them.
While at the OMHS, people always ask me:"How can you stand working here, I would want to take them all home!".
I do want to take them all home, yes, this is an issue.
An issue because we have four cats that we love dearly.
This cat is why I work at OMHS.
At the OHMS, his name was Avery.
He was a hard luck case, because he has FIV.
He is a sweet, amazing boy.
And there was a happy ending.
Now his name is Burton.
He is very happy in his new home.
Sometimes volunteering is AWESOME!
Sometimes it sucks.
Sometimes you meet great people.
Sometimes you deal with idiots.
Most of the time you work real hard,
Most of the time you leave feeling great,
Most of the time you never want to leave,
All of the time,
I never regret a minute of it.
Sign up and be a volunteer today.
Just don't take my timeslot.
Today's Parallel's 'Of Wisdom':
"Why do today, what you can put off to tomorrow?"
That's a great question.
No, really, anyone got the answer?
Animals saved today: 6
Animals saved to date: 89
Note: we realize these numbers are not a true representation, but in our minds, this helps to visualize the damage we are causing when we eat animal by-products.
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