The Compassion Experiment (Day 30)
The Compassion Experiment: It's not a blog, it's a Blitter. Too short for a blog, too long for a Twitter.
A couple months ago, just trying to be a vegetarian was a struggle. I can admit it, I was raised in a meat lovers family, where meat, white sugar and desserts were the three staples. Tasty? Yes. Fattening? Yes Yes! Terribly bad for me? Yes Yes Yes!
Family plays such a huge role in the eater that you become later in life. I can't eat a meal without thinking: "What's for dessert?" I swear to god, this plays out every meal, including breakfast and snacktime.
It's hard to break habits, especially ones you lived for most of your formative years.
The first few weeks of The Compassion Experiment were really tough. Hard to believe we are going on week 5, but I can tell you, things have gotten a lot easier. That's because we are in the habit now, of choosing meals that are compassionate, and in living this lifestyle.
Also the people around us understand what we are trying to do with The Compassion Experiment, and support us as much as they can. Any help is appreciated, and we are glad so many people have embraced this experiment, and the idea as a whole.
Does this mean we eat 100% vegan every day? No. Usually two meals a day of vegan, and one vegetarian. Sometimes we slip, and a hamburger might find it's way into our mouths. And by we, I mean me.
I'd love to feel really bad about that, but I don't, because we have made huge changes in our lives, and if we mess up occasionally, that's okay, because we still are intent on living a compassionate lifestyle, but we are human too.
We wouldn't expect anyone to live 100% vegan, it's not really a realistic goal, especially for families with children.
If you raise children in an environment that respects animals, then it's more likely that your children won't grow up cooking every meal on the BBQ, like my family did.
Most of our family and friends all have children, and if we can do anything with this experiment, I hope that it would be to show these families ways to keep their children happy, and to help save animals at the same time.
That's the real goal here.
In the past week or so things have been a little crazy around here, so the posts kind of lost their way. Last week we helped save a lot of animals in York, even in our own little way, and we couldn't be prouder of the support everyone showed for the animals. It was awesome.
This week things will get back to normal, recipes will be posted, and more reviews of products we discovered at the Green Living Show will be popping up.
Please keep tuning in, we aren't done yet!
Todays Parallel's 'Of Wisdom':
"Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish ; and you have fed him for a lifetime."
Better yet! Give him a nature burger, tell him to tell his friends, and you'll save a hell of a lot of fish.
And, you won't be injecting yourself with poisons.
Think about it.
Animals saved today: 4
Animals saved to date: 71
Note: we realize these numbers are not a true representation, but in our minds, this helps to visualize the damage we are causing by eating animal by-products.
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