The Compassion Experiment (Day 27)

The Compassion Experiment: It's not a blog, it's a Blitter. Too short for a blog, too long for a Twitter.

Well, it's been a hell of a roller coaster week for all of us here at The Compassion Experiment. From the York OSPCA scandal, to the Cogeco Rising Stars event, hell, I even began mending fences with my arch nemesis, MWI (no one could have ever seen this one coming!).
We slipped a little out of the groove we had been in, things changed as the York OSPCA travesty started to unfold, and for us, it felt so good to be able to do something about it.
The Compassion Experiment has turned out to be one of the greatest decisions that we have made together. We've had an outlet for issues that we want to speak out about, we've been trying amazing recipes, had our eyes opened to all the wonderful animal free products out there, and we've had friends come together to support our efforts in saving the animals.
It's truly amazing.
In the days ahead, we will definitely be staying the course. Four weeks into it, we've seen a lot of ups and downs, had faith in ourselves, lost faith in ourselves, lost faith in humanity, found faith in humanity. Up down, up down, up down.
But, as you see, it has been worth it.
If you look at the bottom of todays installment, you will notice we have gone over 60 animals saved, can you believe it? Who would have thought when we first started it would come to this so quick.
The thing is, we're still in transition, and probably will be for life. To be a strict, 100% vegan, well, that's not us. Case in point: Last night we were at a party, here's a sample of what they had: crab pastries, seafood pastries, chicken wings, pork tenderloin, and vegetarian pizza. I'm not complaining, the party was awesome, and the food smelled great, but, as compassionate eaters, and hungry people, we had little choice but to eat the yummy veggie pizza. Yes, it does contain cheese, yes, we do feel bad about it, but, it was delicious, and our tummy's had little regret.
Yoda says: Do or do not, there is not try.
Well Yoda, my friend, I hate to admit it, but I think you were wrong about that one, because us trying to save animals, has led to animals being saved.
Now we need to try to make the world a better place for all of us, especially the animals, who often can't help themselves, and need us to do it for them.

Here is the latest on the York OSPCA fiasco:

Todays Parallel's 'Of Wisdom':
Attitude is a small thing that makes a big difference.

Animals saved today: 3
Animals saved to date: 63

Note: we realize these numbers are not a true representation, but in our minds, this helps to visualize the damage we are causing by eating animal by-products.


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