The Compassion Experiment (Day 8)
The Compassion Experiment: is a blog about converting to a more compassionate lifestyle.
"Turkey hunt starts Monday in Halton's public forests," is the headline in this weekends Oakville Beaver.
Am I missing something here? Has there been a sudden rise in turkey's sneaking into homes and stealing first born children?
I mean, this is Oakville for god's sake, you want a turkey, go to the goddamned grocery store, or even better, don't eat turkey!
The most infuriating thing about this article is that a) this doesn't need to be done at all, b) it's being done on public property, and c) why the hell do you need to be hunting turkey's in Halton?!
This is the exact kind of ignorance that The Compassion Experiment is rebelling against. Pure utter idiocy.
This weekend was the Green Living Show, and we had an amazing time. There were a lot of great vendors this year, so it'll probably take a week or so to go through all the amazing vendors and food we were introduced to. But we will definitely be passing on some great info to you in the upcoming week, so stay tuned.
We have to start with the absolute best vendor ever. LPK's Culinary Groove! LPK's Culinary Groove is the first organic pastry and chocolate shop in T.O. They have a huge variety of compassionate desserts, so we of course sampled their fare, and then purchased two Mini Indulgence Pack's. We have eagerly started devouring them. I say without hesitation that their desserts are the best. My favorite is the Nanaimo Bars, which are vegan and gluten-free. They are so incredibly tasty, my only regret is not buying more.
If more chef's and bakers out there followed the example of LPK's Culinary Groove, so many lives could be saved, and you would never even know it, or miss anything at all.
Their food is both delicious and compassionate, and examplifies why we have this blog in the first place, to help others see that there are options out there. And you don't have to compromise taste, to make a difference, and to start saving lives.
You can learn more about LPK's amazing products and their location at:
B says:
"Their coconut lime mini cupcake with lime scented frosting was by far the most delicious thing I ate at the show, which is saying a lot, because we tasted a lot of yummy foods. Their website indicates they make this in a cake format too, so I'm currently scheming about a way to get this for my upcoming birthday!"
Mmmmm...lime good.
We received this email from our friends Nancy and Brian:
Hi Mike and Beth,
We just had a look at your blog - what a wonderful idea and we agree with
the idea of saving animals totally. We have used soy milk for a long time
and like you say, it's great on cereal (and it's so good for you too!) Your
banana blueberry bread recipe sounds awesome - we will be trying it soon.
We are glad you are getting such positive feedback on the blog.
Thanks Nancy and Brian, your support is much appreciated.
And once again, thank you everyone for all your support, The Compassion Experiment would be nothing without you.
Please keep sending in recipes, this week we'll be posting some new ones that were awesome!
We attached a picture that shows all the stuff we left the Green Living Show with. There was even more, but it couldn't fit in the picture.
Animals saved today: 2
Animals saved to date: 22
Todays Parallel's 'Of Wisdom':
Someone once remarked to me: 'I'm in PETA, People Eating Tasty Animals.' I should have mentioned I'm in PETA too! (People Exterminating Total Assholes.)
"Turkey hunt starts Monday in Halton's public forests," is the headline in this weekends Oakville Beaver.
Am I missing something here? Has there been a sudden rise in turkey's sneaking into homes and stealing first born children?
I mean, this is Oakville for god's sake, you want a turkey, go to the goddamned grocery store, or even better, don't eat turkey!
The most infuriating thing about this article is that a) this doesn't need to be done at all, b) it's being done on public property, and c) why the hell do you need to be hunting turkey's in Halton?!
This is the exact kind of ignorance that The Compassion Experiment is rebelling against. Pure utter idiocy.
This weekend was the Green Living Show, and we had an amazing time. There were a lot of great vendors this year, so it'll probably take a week or so to go through all the amazing vendors and food we were introduced to. But we will definitely be passing on some great info to you in the upcoming week, so stay tuned.
We have to start with the absolute best vendor ever. LPK's Culinary Groove! LPK's Culinary Groove is the first organic pastry and chocolate shop in T.O. They have a huge variety of compassionate desserts, so we of course sampled their fare, and then purchased two Mini Indulgence Pack's. We have eagerly started devouring them. I say without hesitation that their desserts are the best. My favorite is the Nanaimo Bars, which are vegan and gluten-free. They are so incredibly tasty, my only regret is not buying more.
If more chef's and bakers out there followed the example of LPK's Culinary Groove, so many lives could be saved, and you would never even know it, or miss anything at all.
Their food is both delicious and compassionate, and examplifies why we have this blog in the first place, to help others see that there are options out there. And you don't have to compromise taste, to make a difference, and to start saving lives.
You can learn more about LPK's amazing products and their location at:
B says:
"Their coconut lime mini cupcake with lime scented frosting was by far the most delicious thing I ate at the show, which is saying a lot, because we tasted a lot of yummy foods. Their website indicates they make this in a cake format too, so I'm currently scheming about a way to get this for my upcoming birthday!"
Mmmmm...lime good.
We received this email from our friends Nancy and Brian:
Hi Mike and Beth,
We just had a look at your blog - what a wonderful idea and we agree with
the idea of saving animals totally. We have used soy milk for a long time
and like you say, it's great on cereal (and it's so good for you too!) Your
banana blueberry bread recipe sounds awesome - we will be trying it soon.
We are glad you are getting such positive feedback on the blog.
Thanks Nancy and Brian, your support is much appreciated.
And once again, thank you everyone for all your support, The Compassion Experiment would be nothing without you.
Please keep sending in recipes, this week we'll be posting some new ones that were awesome!
We attached a picture that shows all the stuff we left the Green Living Show with. There was even more, but it couldn't fit in the picture.
Animals saved today: 2
Animals saved to date: 22
Todays Parallel's 'Of Wisdom':
Someone once remarked to me: 'I'm in PETA, People Eating Tasty Animals.' I should have mentioned I'm in PETA too! (People Exterminating Total Assholes.)
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