The Compassion Experiment (Day 5)

The Compassion Experiment: is a blog about converting to a more compassionate lifestyle.

Well, five days in, and we are already starting to see the effect of living a more compassionate lifestyle, on our wallets. The groceries we bought this week came in well under our old pre-compassionate budget.
Not that we were buying gutted pigs by the dozen, of course, but the financial implications of living a compassionate lifestyle can actually be a benefit too, just don't shop at Whole Foods.

We were sent this email from our good friend Cindy, from CARE:

Hi Beth, Hi Mike,

Just wanted to let you know the blog is a wonderful idea and forum to
help further a more conscientious and ethical way of life.
The horrific and systematic exploitation of animals in the meat and
ancillary industries, and the environmental degradation resulting from
these industries, are cloaked behind the "tacit" understanding that
this is socially acceptable.
Our society embraces and condones this daily and regrettably we are
far from embracing kinder and less self-serving ideologies.
Over time hopefully we can help erode the old ways of thinking.

Please Practice Compassion

We couldn't have said it better ourselves, thanks Cindy!

Today we opened our Silk soy beverage for coffee, french vanilla. It is awesome! I kid you not, this compassion creamer is real tasty and I no longer feel like I would miss cream in my coffee. The package says we have paradise in a cup, good luck on that, but we what we really do have, is a product that helps the transition to a compassionate coffee habit easier. We recommend it highly.

As was mentioned in an earlier blog, this weekend is the Green Living Show, and we encourage everyone in the area to come down and check it out. We do not have a booth, we have only been doing this for 5 days, but when we went last year, we were blown away by all the innovative and amazing ideas we found there. You can get in for free, if you bring an electronic device. You can find more about the show, at

This ends our first week of the blog, and things have been going great.
Thanks to everyone for their love and support, and please keep sending in your emails and recipes!

Todays Parallel's 'Of Wisdom':
You can't get blood from a stone.
I'm sure if you could though, there would be someone out there eating them.

Animals saved today: 3
Animals saved to date: 12


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