The Compassion Experiment (Day 2)

The Compassion Experiment: is a blog about converting to a more compassionate lifestyle.

Where does chocolate milk come from?
It is milk that has blood in it, and the chocolate is used to hide the evidence.
I can admit that it is tasty, but I'll take a cup of chocolate soy milk, to a mouthful of blood, any day of the week.

For a lot of people, when it comes to what they put in their mouth, ignorance is bliss. This holds true for both food, and sexual encounters. I don't think anyone ever got HIV from a cheeseburger though.

Definitely the easiest meal to eat compassionately is breakfast, you just need to find a good soy milk. We highly recommend the unsweetened So Nice organic soy beverage. Produced by SoyaWorld Inc. (based out of Vancouver), it is a product that is delicious, homegrown, and not produced by the American monsters featured in Food Inc. I haven't missed blood milk since I made the switch, and can't ever go back. I will miss cream in my coffee though. We have a soy creamer in the fridge, I'll let you know how that goes once it has been opened.

Todays Compassionate snacking tip:
My god, if you haven't tried Nature's Path Organic Granola Bars - PeanutChoco', you have to! They are the best damned granola bars I've ever had, compassionate or not! Both vegan and wheat free, they add a whole new twist to guilt free snacking.
You can learn more here:

Todays Parallel's 'Of Wisdom':
Sleep on it.
Before making any rash decision, always take the time to toss and turn through an agonizing night, before sending that email, or making that call. You'll find in the morning, a giant relief knowing you didn't send off something in the heat of the moment that could ruin friendships, relationships, or even your job.
How do I know this?
My life has been full of mistakes, so I'll save you the trouble that I couldn't save myself from.

Animals saved today: 3
Animals saved to date: 5


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