The Compassion Experiment (Day 12)

The Compassion Experiment: is a blog about converting to a more compassionate lifestyle.

So, the big issue that has been hanging over the citizens of Oakville, has been whether or not a power plant will be built in our backyard, so to speak.
As one might imagine, the opposition to the power plant has been ferocious, and eventually some MPP's and Mayor Burton got their head into the game, realizing what a huge issue this will be come reelection time.
Oakville keeps passing new laws to try and prevent it. Only plants of 10 Megawatts or less can be put in now, and the one TransCanada wants to put in is, uh, 900 Megawatts.
But of course, the OPG and TransCanada, are completely confident it is still going in.
Dalton McGuinty has said over and over: "I don't care what the people of Oakville think, it is going in."
As a citizen of Oakville, this whole issue pisses me off on a lot of levels.
The first being that the location is closer than 250ft to the nearest school.
Can you tell me, that TC seriously thought that there would be no opposition to a 900 Megawatt plant that close to a high school? Are they seriously that stupid?
Of course not, they know something we don't, and they have all the 'power', literally.
My real issue of course, is that no one will say why that location was chosen, and who is responsible.
I mean, this whole thing has conspiracy theory written all over it, and anyone prone to wild flights of the imagination, will be drawn to this issue like a moth to a flame.
I am one of those people.
I don't trust TC, OPG and our Provincial government one iota, and the whole thing reeks of underhandedness, and shortsightedness.
It seems that no matter what anyone says or does, what's done, is done.
Someone remind me again what democracy is all about, because I just don't believe the McGuinty government understands.
I know the plant will go in Oakville, I know the citizens will fight impotently to the very end, but that OPG has too much clout, power and their puppet strings are attached to everything people think they need to survive.
What this issue does, is remind us all how dependent we are on old forms of electricity and how we receive it.
It is now 2010, and no one has to plug into the OPG grid anymore. A lot of people are realizing this, and investing in new ways to get power. But it still takes a lot of money and balls to do this. The OPG has bitterly fought anyone who has tried to do this, and made promises that it has reneged on over and again.
It is sad to think that corporations can still have this much power, and that fight as we might, we can't change anything.
And why is that?
Because we are too nice.
If we lived in France, we would be rioting, and we would throw a molotov cocktail party.
But that's not us, and our government and the OPG know this.
They know we will tie up things in the courtroom, and then eventually a friend with deep pockets, will grease the right palms, and we will be left standing idly by, looking like fools.

Not the nicest way to end off the week, thinking about this and all, but, it is a huge issue, and one being fought in the press, and on the net daily, with no real results.
It is very frustrating watching this whole process, and not being able to do a damn thing about it.
I'm not even pissed that they are putting the plant here, I'm pissed off, because they won't say why here, and ultimately, who was responsible for this whole mess in the first place. It is a huge finger pointing game, while the other hand is the one you have to worry about.

Have a great weekend, please think of the animals before you throw another shrimp on the barby.

Animals saved today: 3
Animals saved to date: 34


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