The Compassion Experiment (Day 1)
The Compassion Experiment: is a blog about converting to a more compassionate lifestyle.
I wish someone would pass a law that said you could only eat, what you kill.
Lord knows I would never eat an animal again.
Some people eat cats, and have chickens for pets, whereas others have cats for pets and chickens for dinner.
What's the difference?
Cats are cuter, and as a meat source are a lot less profitable.
Probably harder to pluck a cat too.
I'm not one to point a finger at someone chomping down on a triple bacon burger, mostly because I know it's delicious, and it makes me wish I didn't have a conscience about these matters.
Doesn't mean I don't chomp down on the occasional burger either, just means I feel guilty as hell as the juice drips into my beard.
The Compassion Experiment will put on display, the efforts of our family in our attempt to convert into a more compassionate way of life. We are trying to live more humanely, and more ecologically.
We will err on the side of caution, and probably err more than we do anything else.
In this case it is the effort that does count, and for this experiment, every meal that doesn't include an animal by-product = the life of one animal saved. Everyday I will count our compassionate meals, and include the numbers in the blog with a running counter for the duration of this open-ended experiment.
The Experiment will include new recipes, tips for shopping for organics, and where to get deals to make living a compassionate lifestyle a viable option for families with kids, not just polo-sweater wearing, porsche driving 16 year olds in Oakville.
Please tune in regularly to see how it goes.
This blog will be updated daily, and will include links, laughs, and a smart-ass words of wisdom section heretofore known as Parallel's 'Of Wisdom'.
Please tell all your friends.
Todays Parllel's 'Of Wisdom':
A wise man once said: 'If you take the profits, from those who profit from war, war will end."
I wish that man was me.
I'll just pass his words along instead, and pretend that makes me smart too.
I'll just pass his words along instead, and pretend that makes me smart too.
Animals saved today: 2
Animals saved to date: 2
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