The Compassion Experiment (Day 101)

An Everyday Hero!
I don't know how many people saw this, but we feel that this man deserves a medal:
How many people would do this for animals? To us, this man is a true hero.
Though he stated his reason for taking the beaver traps, was to stop kids from getting hurt, the truth of the matter is, he took them, because he knows how the traps work, and it doesn't say in the article.
How does a beaver trap work?
It traps the beaver underwater and drowns it.
What a way to die, trapped in a cage, underwater, until death sweeps in.
Was the town of Oshawa really concerned that beavers were going to be responsible for drowning the city?
In a case like this, involving animals, I think the city just assumed that people would ignore it, and pretend it wasn't happening, and/or that people generally just wouldn't give a @#$%.
But they were wrong.
Just like the Newmarket OSPCA was wrong when they though it would be okay to euthanize all their animals.
People really do care, that's the bottom line here.
There is clearly a big movement these days, to protect the planet, and it's wildlife.
And we are proud to be a part of it, even in our own little way.
Sure, all we really are doing is not consuming animal by-products, and living Compassionately, but we also hope we are leading by example. And by using the examples of everyday people like you or us, to show that anyone can make a difference, and anyone can step in and stop injustice, all they have to do is care.
Is that so hard really?

How many times are we going to have to keep linking to articles like this:
Don't Eat Brandt's Meat!
Wasn't it just last week that we mentioned how many times Listeria has come up since we started The Compassion Experiment?
It just keeps happening, and happening, it's unbelievable really.
Sure, it's nice to sit back and not really give a @#$%, because we don't touch the stuff, but really, when we read this, it makes us worry about the welfare of the families and the children we know and love, because they eat meat.
We know it's tough to be parents, and that kids are fussy about what they will and will not eat. But, it is still scary every time another Listeria case comes up, because it makes us think about what the families would go through, if one of their children were to get sick from eating meat.
Sure, getting sick from Listeria is kind of like winning the lottery, or being hit by lighting, it's probably not going to happen to you or to anyone you know. It is important to note though, that we know someone who has been hit by lighting, and another who won the lottery, does that put things into a little more perspective?

We no longer eat meat because we believe it is barbaric, and unnecessary, but the more Listeria comes up, the more we are glad we do not partake in the consumption of meat. We just wish that more people were following our lead, because we don't want them, or their children, to get sick either. For a good perspective on this, you need to see Food Inc.

We firmly believe that if more people gave Lick's Nature Burgers a shot, they would find, you can just skip the corpse burger altogether.
It's the' hamburger experience' we didn't want to give up. You know, holding it with two hands, and diving in, spilling ketchup and mustard all over your fingers and chin. We love that, just not at the cost of animals lives. That's why the Nature Burger is the perfect solution, you still get the hamburger eating experience, without the guilt, and without having to worry that you, or someone you love, might die from it.

Please keep thinking about the animals, before you make a decision about what you are having for dinner. We know it's not easy, but nothing worth anything, ever is.

Here is a great recipe!

Compassionate Honey Lemon Carrots:
You will need:
1/2 cup of water
5 medium carrots, sliced
1/4 tsp lemon juice
2 tbsp maple syrup
2 tbsp rosemary, chopped
salt and pepper to taste

In a medium saucepan, bring the water to a boil. Add the carrots and simmer until carrots are almost cooked.
Stir in the lemon juice, syrup, rosemary, salt and pepper, and simmer on low heat for 5 more minutes.
Makes enough to feed a family of 4.


Today's Parallel's 'Of Wisdom':
"Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened." - taken from a chain email.

Animals saved today: 5
Animals saved to date: 378

Note: we realize these numbers are not a true representation, but in our minds, this helps to visualize the damage we are causing when we eat animal by-products.

This blog is for entertainment purposes only.
We do not aim to criticize people, just ideas.
We are only interested in bringing to light, ideas that could help make the world a better place.
That's it.
It's nothing personal, it's just a blog.

TCE 2010

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Totally Unrelated Content:
I don't know how many Raptors fans saw this:
The Big Turk is at it again, and is still dishing out @##% about the Raptors.
Here is my thought on the subject of having two complacent players like Hedo and Bosh on our team last year: I think it brought the morale of the whole team down, I think that they lead by example, and that's why the team failed the way it did.
I look forward to this season, because they've freed themselves of two talented people, who just didn't want to play for the team.
Let's do it as a team.
Play as a team, fail as a team, but do it, please, AS A TEAM.
Thank you.


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